Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Prepare for a long rambling post!
I have been spending some time over the past week, amid hurricane preparation, cleaning the school room, reorganizing and utilizing our new cabinets and drawers. Pictures soon, still charging camera batteries. It has gotten me thinking about how I teach, and what I believe about teaching and learning. I subscribe to many theories, though none fully. I love the idea of Montessori teaching, letting students drive part of curriculum with their interests. Though I believe the teacher has to have an important agenda as well as adapting to a child's needs and interests. Otherwise they would simply avoid all the subjects they show no natural inclination for. I think what I truly believe is in immersion learning. When learning a new language the easiest way to learn is to go to that country and learn from them by being fully immersed in the culture, language, food and customs of that country. This is also the best way to hold on to what you have learned. I apply this idea to our lives. We are living a homeschooling immersion. There are constant opportunities to learn, and we have created an environment where learning is a priority, and wherever we are we are constantly asking and answering questions. In addition my friends and family work with the kids too. While staying with my cousin and my friend, his new wife,CJ asked my cousin what light is made of. He explained to him about photons and electrons. How awesome is that? CJ keeps explaining to me that light is made of photons. He knows that things are made of cells and atoms. He asked if there are photons in our cells, and I said I don't think so because we don't create light. So he made a hypothesis that glow worms and fireflies must have photons in their cells. Now I have some research to do. But this is a common occurrence. No one dumbs down answers or tells the kids to stop asking questions. Everyone in their lives tries to answer their questions and shows them how to find answers. Immersion in learning. I think CJ is reading so well because we have words, letters and books everywhere. We read around our world. We were in the car on the way to the library and passes a billboard. It says "If you see something, say something." It has the word something sitting on a bus seat. As we passed CJ told me that the sign says something three times! Indeed it did. We then figured out the rest of the words while driving the rest of the way to the library. We talk about sounds letters make in the car, as well as counting things we see outside. We always ask the kids, how many toys is that altogether, or how many eggs do we have left if we use two for this recipe? They are cranky if we don't keep their minds busy. We take every opportunity to teach and learn. Any new parents who have asked me about homeschooling, I have told the same thing, make your home a school, a lab, a library. Make every place a place to learn. Make it easy on yourself by setting up an environment conducive to learning and teaching. Mostly this happens in how you interact with your kids. It is a mindset and way of life, not just a place to go to do lessons. We will stop what we are doing outside if we find some new insect or plant, and make observations, and I will tell them what I know about it, or go inside and get a book that can help us gain more information. Sometimes I even bring out the laptop and google what they want to know. The important thing is to make sure that their thirst for knowledge is quenched, but also that they learn that sometimes other things must take priority. If I am in the middle of cleaning the bathroom, or making our dinner, they must hold on to their questions, and they will be answered when my task is complete. When I am not doing anything important we stop and do it right them. You need to find a balance between adult driven and child driven. It should be child centered, not child driven. Also set up routines and procedures that help learning and teaching go more smoothly. Figure out what you want to accomplish, then make a plan on how to accomplish it. Then break it down into small repeatable steps. Let them learn a step completely before adding another. I think this is where many people falter. Children need structure, and support, but they also need independence, so you need to make sure activities are age appropriate and not too frustrating. Give them a challenge sure, but give them the tools to meet it, and the constant support and encouragement they crave. In addition, worry less about boosting their self esteem falsely. Their esteem will grow with accomplishment and that is the way it is meant to be. They shouldn't feel good about accomplishing nothing. Nor should we as adults. Not everyone should make the team. Children should be encouraged to find out their strengths and relish them. They should also be encouraged to find their weaknesses and to understand that they may not be great at everything, but the important thing is to try their best at whatever they do. It is ok if they stink at kickball, maybe they will excel at tennis. It is ok if they have trouble with multiplication, maybe they excel at writing poetry. Find their strengths and exploit them, find their weaknesses and make them aware of them. Give them a reason to work harder and to feel real accomplishment when they improve through hard work. This long ramble to be continued, since the kiddos are awake and ready to start their day! Thanks for listening. . .
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Great ideas! I have been feeling a lot lately like I don't do enough to inspire Max's environment and this gave me more confidence that I'm at least going in the right direction... as much as I can anyway with a 2 year old! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It is really tough with a two year old, I agree. But anything you do is such a good thing, even just counting buttons while you get him dressed, or while putting toys away. Saying the alphabet while washing hands is another big one that I forgot to mention. I will keep posting ideas as I remember and think of them! Just remember you are and always will be your child's best teacher, and you know him better than anyone. So you are the most qualified to teach him everything he needs to know. Also, start small. Put up a poster or quilt with the alphabet. Every day trace a letter together and talk about the sound. Do the same thing with numbers. Point out the letter or number wherever you see it. Just let him know that letters numbers words and shapes are all around him. I already know you are doing way more than you think!
ReplyDeleteYeah it's funny, I am so critical of myself when it comes to being a Mom, I always feel like I could be doing more... but then I read parenting articles and books etc and realize I'm not doing all that bad. It's just tough to keep it in perspective and not burn out!