It occurs to me that I never finished posting pictures of CJ's and Eliza's birthday party. I was having computer issues, and then whoops it just slipped my mind. Well I will remedy that right now.
These would be the cakes I spent hours making. Eliza wanted a butterfly, and CJ wanted a rainbow. So I made both. From scratch. I know not my brightest idea ever. But they were adorable, and the kids were thrilled. That little white pile of frosting was supposed to be a cloud, and I used edible glitter on it. It was generally decided to look more like unicorn poo than a cloud. :)
CJ and Eliza loved their new trikes though only now are able to start using them without a lot of help. Our friends are so great playing with the kids, and helping them.
All the kids crowded around when it was gift time, and everyone who came knows the kids so well, that they got perfect gifts. They received several outdoor games and gardening tools, books, clothes and awesome stuff. CJ was particularly excited for the Amazon gift cards they received, because it meant he could "go shopping on the computer."
And the ever proud grandparents, who can't stand to be away from them for more than a day or two. They adore them, but sometimes that isn't so easy.
And now pictures of CJ's actual birthday.
Here he is blowing out the candles. I would show you his birthday dinner, but it literally was the exact same thing that we had for Eliza's, as that was what he asked for.
We went to an Easter Egg hunt at a local nursery on CJ's birthday (shortly before Easter) and the kids loved getting to hunt in the plants and meeting the Easter Bunny. It was a pretty great day all around, good weather, and lots of good family time. Who can ask for more than that?
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