Generally children and parents have a summer vacation from schooling. In our house I believe it will be a spring vacation. I have spent so much time getting the garden prepared, planted, weeded and what not that it has left me little time to devote to true lesson planning. I have taken the kids to several classes at the library, most of which were incredibly disappointing. They have learned a lot about seasons, weeds, insects, plant types, etc. Yesterday CJ was looking at one of my gardening books, pretending it was a scientific field journal. He noticed that the word flowers was on it. He asked me what the rest of the words said, and I told him he already knew them all, and he read to me the big book of flowers. He even opened it and recognized some types of flowers we have in the yard. We have been doing small learning projects like finishing a book of colors and shapes. We have been reading, and measuring the water in our rain gauge. We have been identifying clouds and insects. We have done some projects involving recycling, and a lot of mini lessons focusing on feelings, and appropriate ways to show feelings. They are getting to the age where controlling their tempers is becoming extremely difficult, especially since they aren't getting nearly enough sleep. The more tired they are the less they are able to handle disappointment, frustration and changes in schedule. Hopefully we will have a relatively quiet and restful holiday weekend. The garden is officially planted, and all I have to do now is keep up with weeding and watering. The kids love watching things pop up after planting. They are helping their Memere with an herb bed at their house. They helped plant the seeds, and helped fill the bed with soil. When the seedlings are big enough they are going to help plant them. I am sure they will also help eat them!
We have already been harvesting parsley, oregano, chives, onions, leeks, scallions, thyme, cabbage, and greens. So much of the garden was still strong when we uncovered, and many things reseeded themselves.
It is wonderful to finally see some green everywhere and know that soon we will have wonderful food to harvest and flowers to make us happy. Rich even built me an arbor to grow moonflower and morning glories. We have it on the stone patio he just put in this year, where we go at night to have a fire and relax. It will have an evening fragrance garden. The kids helped me pick out some beautiful plants for that area.
Here is where CJ and Eliza learned all about perennials. They noticed when they started seeing strawberry flowers that they were the same as last year. We also harvested some rhubarb and they learned all about how to can strawberry rhubarb jam! They helped me measure the sugar and the fruit. They loved tasting the results!
I think we will have some wonderful school time in the coming weeks as the work in the yard slows down. I am particularly excited to start Eliza reading. CJ is coming along so quickly that he reads everywhere. Eliza sees letters and numbers, but really wants to start reading words. What a joy!
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