Monday, May 30, 2011

What a Wonderful Weekend!

We had a beautiful weekend, weather wise and otherwise.  We spent time with friends, helped out some family, and enjoyed the weather and great food that came with the weekend.  On Saturday CJ and Eliza convinced Daddy and our friend Justin that they needed an obstacle course.  This made me happy since I know I should be doing more physical education activities, and this fit the bill perfectly.  He started with the word start in chalk on the sidewalk, then a math problem they had to solve first.  He drew boxes they needed to jump into, built planks up for them to climb up and walk across, things for them to crawl through and under.  He even used his traffic cones for the kids to run around.  It was great, and they had so much fun, they did it for literally hours!  We decided that once a week (or weekend) we would build one based on whatever gross motor skills appropriate for them. 

 Here CJ was explaining all the rules to Eliza.
 I love this picture of her, it really shows her adorable running and walking style.
 I was amazed at how well they "walked the plank" here.  They climbed right up, walked right across, and in the dozens of times they walked it, they each only fell once.
 Eliza had a little trouble with the squatting under the finish line.  I don't think she will be a master of the limbo.
CJ did a great job jumping right into the squares he wanted to.  By the time they went to bed they were exhausted and fell right to sleep.  Plus we all had so much fun doing this together.  What a great activity for us to do instead of watching television.

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