So CJ is officially 4. These few years have gone so quickly. I am sorry I have been so incommunicado, but things have been absolutely crazy busy around here. Between Eliza's birthday, the birthday party for both kids, CJ's birthday, all of us being sick, AGAIN, and prep for Easter, blogging just hasn't happened in a long time. This summer I will be much more on top of things. Today I will be posting some pictures of the kids and their party, as well as of CJ's birthday. One of CJ's birthday gifts was Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman, and he has already read most of it to me. He is seeing words he knows everywhere he goes. He even noticed a mistake I made on one of our posters in our school room. I wrote nightime, and he pointed out that it should be nighttime. A t for night and one for time. While we haven't been doing formal lessons between spring cleaning and party prep and all the other stuff going on, we read together every day, and every day we learn something new. We built a rain gauge that has been getting some use in the garden. We have been studying the seedlings we have planted, and talking about why some do well and some don't. We have been noticing the difference between different types of plants. We have been learning about clocks and time. CJ and Eliza can both read a digital clock, and have them in their rooms. We are working on reading analog clocks, and they can identify hours, just not minutes. We have been studying basic cloud types, since CJ was incredibly interested in them.
CJ is so far ahead of where Eliza is, and Eliza knows all her letter sounds. Mason know all his letters and we are still working on the sounds. Eliza and Mason have amazing fine motor skills, and can hold a pencil, crayon, fork or anything else perfectly with no help. CJ still does not, but is improving. CJ keeps changing between his right and left hand. Mason is decidedly right handed, and Eliza seems to be ambidextrous, as she does equally well with both hands for most things.
I am having some technical issues as of right now, so the pictures and remainder of this post will be postponed until tomorrow. Sorry!