Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween
This has been an odd week. CJ, Eliza and Rich were all sick. Now I am sick too. We did a lot of stuff this week. We learned about bats, and did a lot of activities with the letters and numbers. We are going to review and finish stuff on Monday. We went to playgroup yesterday and didn't have a chance to make our bats. So we will review what we have studied already, and continue on to our new letter, number, shape and color on Tuesday. This weekend we are going to make some special Halloween treats, and the kids are going to help us with the recipe. Cooking has so much good math to teach the kids, as well as general life skills. They helped me make pumpkin scones this morning. I think Rich and I will spend some time this weekend planning some fun activities with the kids. We have a fairly normal week coming up, but no playgroup again. So Friday we will do a cooking project and a craft, yet to be planned. I just hope the kids will all be feeling well enough this week to be happy and attentive. CJ, when he doesn't feel well does not want to do anything he is told. Eliza spaces out some when she doesn't feel well, so all in all, it was not easy to do school work this week. Instead we learned through games and books, music and certain tv shows. This weekend is all about fun, no overt learning. In other words I am not worrying about teaching them anything this weekend. We are just going to gorge on candy, dress up, watch fun Halloween shows and listen to scary music. I am going to watch the Nightmare Before Christmas and the Corpse Bride. We carved pumpkins, Lightning McQueen for CJ, and Tinkerbell for Eliza. They look great, and I will post some pics after Halloween. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday guys!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Weird Wednesday
This is an odd week. The kids are sort of sick. Rich is actually sick, probably his first real cold since I have known him the past 17 years or so. Rich stayed home today. He is better, albeit a little miserable from the lack of nasal breathing ability. Yesterday he was miserable when he got home, and the kids got really stuffed up. We spent all morning playing outside yesterday, doing some gardening, playing in the sandbox, etc. They really needed the fresh air. They also needed a day off. They are so exhausted from our go go go attitude and activities lately. Today we did some work, played with play dough, did some coloring, talked all about our topics of the week, and got back into routine. However the kids never got out of their pajamas. They just aren't themselves. Tomorrow we are going to do a bat themed craft, play with play dough some more, and work on our letter and number of the week. We are going to read all our Halloween books again, and talk all about Halloween costumes.
Today was just so weird. Things get odd when Rich is home. I was in jammies for awhile this morning, while Mason was here. I am always dressed by 7 a.m. The kids always get dressed on days that Mason is here, and they stayed in jammies. We watched a movie with CJ and Eliza tonight, and had a special treat, dinner in the living room while watching the movie. Odd day, but a lot of good time spent together as a family. Tomorrow will be more normal I hope though, as I have some cool stuff I want to do with the kiddos. Off to prep tomorrow's stuff.
Today was just so weird. Things get odd when Rich is home. I was in jammies for awhile this morning, while Mason was here. I am always dressed by 7 a.m. The kids always get dressed on days that Mason is here, and they stayed in jammies. We watched a movie with CJ and Eliza tonight, and had a special treat, dinner in the living room while watching the movie. Odd day, but a lot of good time spent together as a family. Tomorrow will be more normal I hope though, as I have some cool stuff I want to do with the kiddos. Off to prep tomorrow's stuff.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Meh Monday
I don't even know what to say about today. Nobody was bad, but everyone is tired, and the kids and Rich aren't feeling well. I don't know if it is allergies or what, but they are definitely sick. We were able to do our black poster, our number poster, find rectangles all over the house, count out the number four, review our letter D poster, do some tracing and writing, and read all about bats. Sue and McKenzee came over to do school with us today, and she is great at writing some of her letters. I think she was tired too, though, and a bit shy. We talked a bit about Halloween and read several Halloween books. I worked with each kiddo, doing hand over hand writing for each letter we have done so far. We talked about bats, and what we know about them. We watched Stellaluna on storyline online again, along with Harry the Dirty Dog, for the letter D. We watched the letter D video on starfall. We kept busy, and everyone is tired tonight. I had to make a spaghetti pie for my parents, dinner for all of us, bread for the week, and grapenut pudding for dessert. I also needed to do laundry and some other things as well. So I am just tired. Early to bed tonight, and tomorrow we have some other cool things to do. Off to bath and bed.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wacky Weekend
I was so busy and tired last Friday night, I simply forgot to blog. Things were crazy this weekend too. Loved it though. So Friday we did a review of the week, read lots of books, made homemade animal crackers, and played. Rich took the day off and it was wonderful. We took it easy, and just enjoyed each others' company. This weekend we had a Halloween party for the kids with my best friend's family. Then a party with several of our friends over here. We had a late night, but so much fun. The kids didn't have a nap, and got up early today. We tried to take an easy day today. We were going to carve pumpkins, but the kids were too tired to even contemplate it. We mostly watched Halloween children's movies and read Halloween books. Tomorrow we are doing D, 4, black, rectangles, bats and Halloween. It will be a fun week. I have baking projects, craft projects and play dough planned. However, we will see what we can accomplish. I don't want to rush the kids, or make them hate school time. They are still so young. I like our new schedule, though, because I have time with each child to work on their particular need. CJ and I are reading books just him and I. I should say, he is reading to me. It won't be long before he is reading whole books on his own. Eliza and Mason are getting ready for writing. In no time they will be writing letters and numbers. And they all need to play dough, to help them learn to manipulate their little fingers and make the dough do what they want it to. Tomorrow we will take it a bit easy, and let everyone be well rested. I have a few fun things planned. I will tell you all about it tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your time with me!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Change can be Great!
Today went incredibly well. Eliza and CJ hadn't gotten up yet when Mason arrived. He and I started making play dough when they woke up. We went upstairs, and I got them dressed, and we did all of our school stuff before we even came downstairs. They had their oatmeal and milk when we were done with our work, and Mason had a peanut butter sandwich. Mason took a great nap, while CJ and Eliza helped me dust, I read with CJ, and they watched Sesame Street. They had lunch, Mason woke up, they played together and then CJ and Eliza took a nap while Mason had a snack and he and I read books and watched Dinosaur Train. This schedule worked GREAT!!! Tomorrow will be even better because Eliza and CJ will be up, dressed and fed before Mason gets here.
We practiced writing letters and numbers, writing hand over hand. We read a counting book Miria brought over. Ten Little Mummies, and the kids LOVED it! CJ was excited because there are mummies in other Halloween books they have. We read the Three Little Pigs again, did lots of counting with some books from Enchanted Learning. We read through the C section of My First Dictionary. We talked about parts of leaves again, and looked at our leaf collection. We colored the number three paper, and we colored Jack O Lanterns. We reviewed camels and read about a capybara (huge South American rodent.) We accomplished a lot, more than I can remember this moment. My brain is as tired as my body.
While CJ and Eliza were settling down for their nap, Mason and I were listening on the monitors. When Eliza fussed a bit Mason kept saying, "That's my girl, you need to help her. She is my girl." That is what he calls her, my girl. I think it is adorable! The three of them are sweet to each other, and seem to love being together. They play well together.
After Mason went home, and CJ and Eliza woke up, they had an early bath, they helped me make dinner, and then played more with the green play dough we made today. They told me stories while I cooked, and explained what they made with their dough. It was a great evening. They went to bed right on time, even after Memere and Pepere being here for dinner. We finished watching Don't Eat the Pictures, an old Sesame Street movie at the Metropolitan Museum of Art that I loved growing up, and the kids loved it too. It made me very happy. It has been a crazy week, so I am glad things are calming down a bit, and I am looking forward to a great weekend. We are taking the kids to a Halloween party with the family of Eliza's godfather, my best friend. Then some friends are coming over to play cards. It is going to be a good weekend. Tomorrow we are going to make circus animal crackers. We were going to do it today, but I only had enough flour for the play dough. My parents brought me a bag of flour they had, so I won't have to go shopping tonight. I hope the kids love them. I know we will have a fun day. Looking forward to doing fun Halloween type stuff next week, and carving pumpkins!
We practiced writing letters and numbers, writing hand over hand. We read a counting book Miria brought over. Ten Little Mummies, and the kids LOVED it! CJ was excited because there are mummies in other Halloween books they have. We read the Three Little Pigs again, did lots of counting with some books from Enchanted Learning. We read through the C section of My First Dictionary. We talked about parts of leaves again, and looked at our leaf collection. We colored the number three paper, and we colored Jack O Lanterns. We reviewed camels and read about a capybara (huge South American rodent.) We accomplished a lot, more than I can remember this moment. My brain is as tired as my body.
While CJ and Eliza were settling down for their nap, Mason and I were listening on the monitors. When Eliza fussed a bit Mason kept saying, "That's my girl, you need to help her. She is my girl." That is what he calls her, my girl. I think it is adorable! The three of them are sweet to each other, and seem to love being together. They play well together.
After Mason went home, and CJ and Eliza woke up, they had an early bath, they helped me make dinner, and then played more with the green play dough we made today. They told me stories while I cooked, and explained what they made with their dough. It was a great evening. They went to bed right on time, even after Memere and Pepere being here for dinner. We finished watching Don't Eat the Pictures, an old Sesame Street movie at the Metropolitan Museum of Art that I loved growing up, and the kids loved it too. It made me very happy. It has been a crazy week, so I am glad things are calming down a bit, and I am looking forward to a great weekend. We are taking the kids to a Halloween party with the family of Eliza's godfather, my best friend. Then some friends are coming over to play cards. It is going to be a good weekend. Tomorrow we are going to make circus animal crackers. We were going to do it today, but I only had enough flour for the play dough. My parents brought me a bag of flour they had, so I won't have to go shopping tonight. I hope the kids love them. I know we will have a fun day. Looking forward to doing fun Halloween type stuff next week, and carving pumpkins!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Love is Learning
Love is learning. Learning about your children. Learning what they love. Learning to recognize their signs and cues. Knowing when they are too tired, or wired, or toddlerish to be able to do lessons. Loving children means not taking it personally when they are angry. Accepting that when they are tired they will not behave the way they usually do. It is understanding that loving them is more important than making sure you do all the lessons and activities you planned. It is letting them know you are there for them, without interfering every time they have a small problem. Trusting them to try new things they learn from the world around them. Showing them that you care, without letting them run the show. Love is all about learning.
Today was not a day of school lessons. Today was a day of social lessons. Communication using words even when upset or tired. Sharing even when you don't want to. Helping your friends if they need it. Listening to your friends, and answering them when they want to talk to you. Learning that not everyone has to play the same way, or the same thing at the same time. That it is okay to like different things, and it is not okay to make someone play the way you want them to. That even though I love them and take care of them, and would love to spend every moment playing with them, sometimes I need to scrub the kitchen floor they spilled milk on, and that sometimes they have to entertain themselves while watching Cars on the DVD player.
We read books, and learned about leaf parts. We acted out stories they learned. We colored on the front porch. Mason hasn't been eating lunch this week, and I think it is because he is too tired by lunchtime to do it. When CJ and Eliza get overtired they won't eat, they just can't, and I think Mason is the same. Tomorrow we will try something new. I am going to have him take a morning nap, so he gets up and eats lunch with CJ and Eliza after resting. Then they can play for an hour or so together, and then CJ and Eliza will nap and Mason and I will have an hour together before Miria picks him up. Mason is a much earlier riser than CJ and Eliza so I think this schedule will work much better for him. Plus then I have more time to work with everyone individually on whatever they need my attention for. Eliza and CJ I know both need to learn to use safety scissors. Mason is ready to try some advanced prewriting, such as tracing and preschool appropriate line mazes. He has remarkable prewriting skills already. Eliza took to holding a crayon right away, and loves to do it. CJ is improving on holding the crayon and pencil, but his skills lie elsewhere. He is great at molding play dough into recognizable shapes, and doing other fine motor activities. He just isn't loving coloring. He likes it a lot more know that he sees Eliza and Mason enjoying it, but he still tells me that it is not one of his favorite things to do.
I have to say that this journey is so exciting, especially now that we have a third child in the mix. I love how the three of them are so different and notice all different types of things. They all have different strengths, and different points of view. I love the process of homeschooling with them, and I feel they are all learning so well. I know I am learning to read them and their interests more. I am learning how to plan things that are appropriate and enjoyable for them. I am also learning how to tell if they are not into a day of lessons. And one of my favorite things about homeschooling is that it is fine to say that we need a day to just watch some Disney movies and read books and color. It is okay to push that lesson off to tomorrow, because that is what the kids need. Love is all about learning which roads to take, and which roads to leave alone.
Today was not a day of school lessons. Today was a day of social lessons. Communication using words even when upset or tired. Sharing even when you don't want to. Helping your friends if they need it. Listening to your friends, and answering them when they want to talk to you. Learning that not everyone has to play the same way, or the same thing at the same time. That it is okay to like different things, and it is not okay to make someone play the way you want them to. That even though I love them and take care of them, and would love to spend every moment playing with them, sometimes I need to scrub the kitchen floor they spilled milk on, and that sometimes they have to entertain themselves while watching Cars on the DVD player.
We read books, and learned about leaf parts. We acted out stories they learned. We colored on the front porch. Mason hasn't been eating lunch this week, and I think it is because he is too tired by lunchtime to do it. When CJ and Eliza get overtired they won't eat, they just can't, and I think Mason is the same. Tomorrow we will try something new. I am going to have him take a morning nap, so he gets up and eats lunch with CJ and Eliza after resting. Then they can play for an hour or so together, and then CJ and Eliza will nap and Mason and I will have an hour together before Miria picks him up. Mason is a much earlier riser than CJ and Eliza so I think this schedule will work much better for him. Plus then I have more time to work with everyone individually on whatever they need my attention for. Eliza and CJ I know both need to learn to use safety scissors. Mason is ready to try some advanced prewriting, such as tracing and preschool appropriate line mazes. He has remarkable prewriting skills already. Eliza took to holding a crayon right away, and loves to do it. CJ is improving on holding the crayon and pencil, but his skills lie elsewhere. He is great at molding play dough into recognizable shapes, and doing other fine motor activities. He just isn't loving coloring. He likes it a lot more know that he sees Eliza and Mason enjoying it, but he still tells me that it is not one of his favorite things to do.
I have to say that this journey is so exciting, especially now that we have a third child in the mix. I love how the three of them are so different and notice all different types of things. They all have different strengths, and different points of view. I love the process of homeschooling with them, and I feel they are all learning so well. I know I am learning to read them and their interests more. I am learning how to plan things that are appropriate and enjoyable for them. I am also learning how to tell if they are not into a day of lessons. And one of my favorite things about homeschooling is that it is fine to say that we need a day to just watch some Disney movies and read books and color. It is okay to push that lesson off to tomorrow, because that is what the kids need. Love is all about learning which roads to take, and which roads to leave alone.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday's Tribulations
We didn't get to the green play dough, but we did get outside for some fresh air, and celery. Every time we go outside now Mason wants celery.
Let me start at the beginning of our day. We read a book about Johnny Appleseed and reviewed what we know about apples and seeds while everyone finished breakfast. We watched the Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that. We all used the potty. We went outside and looked at all different types of leaves, comparing and contrasting. We talked about parts of the leaf, and what they do. We talked a bit about photosynthesis (and listened to the song when we came inside.) The kids all used the swings and slides. When we came inside we played Candy Land. Everyone went potty again. We read 4 books while on the potty. We went upstairs and did some lessons on our color green, using some wonderful packets Miria made. We made our shape poster for triangle, and talked about things all around us that are triangles. We read the Three Little Pigs, and did some comprehension questions, and some coloring. We colored a number three paper. We had some free play time upstairs, and wrote the letter C and triangles in CJ's carpet. We also learned about camels. While I made lunch the kids watched Disney's Three Little Pigs.
It seemed like an insane morning. The kids were all over the place, and it was difficult getting them to listen. They are extremely unfocused this week. At least they all are napping today, unlike yesterday. They get SO tired! They are kind to each other, but Mason isn't as used to sharing things as CJ and Eliza are, so he sometimes is upset if Eliza is using the crayon he used earlier, or CJ is moving a book he had a few minutes ago. They all keep dumping out all their toys too. It takes them forever to pick them all up. CJ, being tired, is also very sensitive today. I ask him to put a toy away and he started to cry. It has been a trying day. Patience is a virtue that is wearing thin today!
Tonight we are having our letter C dinner. Chicken, cauliflower, and carrots. I wanted cheesy chicken with cornbread, but the kids and Rich want Chicken curry with curried cauliflower and carrots. Outvoted by the kiddos! It will be delicious, but I really wanted cheesy chicken. Tomorrow we will continue with our themes for the week, and I think I will work with the kids to make some circus animal crackers. I just picked up some adorable cutters that make them look exactly like animal crackers you buy. I am excited! First thing tomorrow we will make the green play dough, as well. It seems like the time goes so quickly. Of course, at other times when there are three whining children it seems to move at a snail's pace. It was just a disjointed kind of day. Time for me to go finish cleaning before it is time for Mason to get up from nap. I need a magic cleaning wand!
Let me start at the beginning of our day. We read a book about Johnny Appleseed and reviewed what we know about apples and seeds while everyone finished breakfast. We watched the Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that. We all used the potty. We went outside and looked at all different types of leaves, comparing and contrasting. We talked about parts of the leaf, and what they do. We talked a bit about photosynthesis (and listened to the song when we came inside.) The kids all used the swings and slides. When we came inside we played Candy Land. Everyone went potty again. We read 4 books while on the potty. We went upstairs and did some lessons on our color green, using some wonderful packets Miria made. We made our shape poster for triangle, and talked about things all around us that are triangles. We read the Three Little Pigs, and did some comprehension questions, and some coloring. We colored a number three paper. We had some free play time upstairs, and wrote the letter C and triangles in CJ's carpet. We also learned about camels. While I made lunch the kids watched Disney's Three Little Pigs.
It seemed like an insane morning. The kids were all over the place, and it was difficult getting them to listen. They are extremely unfocused this week. At least they all are napping today, unlike yesterday. They get SO tired! They are kind to each other, but Mason isn't as used to sharing things as CJ and Eliza are, so he sometimes is upset if Eliza is using the crayon he used earlier, or CJ is moving a book he had a few minutes ago. They all keep dumping out all their toys too. It takes them forever to pick them all up. CJ, being tired, is also very sensitive today. I ask him to put a toy away and he started to cry. It has been a trying day. Patience is a virtue that is wearing thin today!
Tonight we are having our letter C dinner. Chicken, cauliflower, and carrots. I wanted cheesy chicken with cornbread, but the kids and Rich want Chicken curry with curried cauliflower and carrots. Outvoted by the kiddos! It will be delicious, but I really wanted cheesy chicken. Tomorrow we will continue with our themes for the week, and I think I will work with the kids to make some circus animal crackers. I just picked up some adorable cutters that make them look exactly like animal crackers you buy. I am excited! First thing tomorrow we will make the green play dough, as well. It seems like the time goes so quickly. Of course, at other times when there are three whining children it seems to move at a snail's pace. It was just a disjointed kind of day. Time for me to go finish cleaning before it is time for Mason to get up from nap. I need a magic cleaning wand!
C is for Cranky Kids
Yesterday was exhausting for all of us, and I went to bed really early. None of the kids napped well at all. Between the three of them I think they slept an hour total. They were so tired, rubbing their eyes, yawning, but they couldn't sleep. We found C words all over the house. We looked for triangles. We made our number and color poster. Green is our color, so we talked about all types of green things. We are going to make green play dough today. We sang the /k/ sound, and all three kids knew the sound right away. We read several books, all about shapes, colors, letters and numbers. They were so tired they were okay with just sitting and listening to me read books. Today we will read the three little pigs, and do an oral comprehension task with it. I think we may even watch the Disney Three Little Pigs after lesson time. I think we will play Candy Land, and practice writing C. Tonight I will do a more in depth blog, when I have more time, and energy! I think we will play outside for a little while today, while the weather is nice. The kids need some fresh air. I want CJ and Eliza to do more coloring today, as well. Now that CJ likes coloring more (since his friend Mason LOVES it!) I hope his skills will improve in holding the crayon/pencil, and in making more controlled marks on the paper. We are also going to draw C and triangles in CJ's carpet. Off to prepare some stuff for the day!
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Journey Continues
Pretending to cut steak like Daddy does! |
Tada! We have LEAVES! |
Today we made a square wreath with leaves the kids found, played more with our pumpkin pie play dough, and reread all the B and pumpkin books we have read. We colored and added pages to our color, alphabet, shape, number books and read B books together that Mason's mom Miria sent me from It used to be one of my favorite resources when I taught after school reading classes. I am thrilled to have access to them once again!
I love play dough! |
Hard at work. |
I am excited to continue this journey. I learn from the kids every day, and I am learning how to fit this into our lives in a meaningful and enjoyable way. Education is part of our lives daily and progresses amazingly well, even when we aren't doing "lessons". Their ability to extrapolate information from tv, songs and books astounds me on an ongoing basis. Some days I still feel like I am not doing enough, and then other days I say to heck with it and lets watch an extra hour of Dinosaur Train. Every day is a lesson for them, and every day is a lesson for me, finding what works, what doesn't, how to work the schedule so that I can do laundry and still complete what I want to do with the kids schooling. The process continues.
Oh you wanted to see my face in the picture, I thought you just wanted leaves! |
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Crazy Day
The weather was gorgeous so the kids played outside for an hour. We read all about pumpkins and looked at the vines in the yard. The kids ate the celery that is growing in the garden while we were out there. We found things in the yard that start with B, that were square, that were in pairs for two, and things that were orange. We talked all about weather, and animals. We keep going back to those things, since the kids are so interested in them. We made pumpkin pie play dough, and they played with them for awhile, using forks and plastic butter knives to make designs on the dough. We talked about what foods we make with pumpkin, and what the difference is between healthful foods and non healthful foods. We talked about the food groups, and which of our favorite foods belong in each group. Unfortunately during lunch, full of our healthful foods we had temper tantrums, mostly because everyone is so tired. They played hard all morning, and did so much counting and letter recognition their brains were quite busy. My friend Nicole came by for dinner, and brought me a lot of curriculum materials and resources. We had a great visit, but I am exhausted, and a lot later doing this blog than usual. So I will wait to post pictures of the kids till tomorrow. The journey continues. . .
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Do you want some cheese with that whine?
Today, while extremely productive, was grating to me. CJ just kept whining, about everything. He wasn't listening, and didn't want to do anything I asked him to. He would finally do everything but I had to resort to really yelling at him, which I hate doing. Especially since I scared Mason by doing so. Since I rarely need to yell Mason hadn't heard me yell before and he got a little nervous when I yelled. Cleaning up took FOREVER!!! But by naptime, they were all asking to go to bed.
We read all about the letter B in several different books. We counted pairs of things around the house, since two is our number this week. We did a treasure hunt around the house for B, 2, orange and squares. Everyone participated, and had fun with that activity. We read a story about seeds, and discussed again how plants grow. I had them pick out some seeds, and we planted lettuce seeds in trays, and put them in the greenhouse. We are going to check them and water them everyday and see how they grow. They all seem excited about it, and it is a good way to make predictions or hypotheses and test them. I may even show them how to make a chart with the information we gather.
We listened to songs about the letter B and number 2. We listened to music about bugs, and talked about what we learned about buffalo/bison yesterday. We also watched the Elmo Potty DVD since Mason and Eliza are both learning to use the potty. We made some bread to have as a snack, and we ran around doing ballet in the living room. We did our daily weather report and calendar. We practiced writing in CJ's carpet and added to our letter B poster. A very productive day. However I am really REALLY tired of the whining. Once CJ starts Eliza thinks she should. Mason doesn't follow that, thank goodness. Three whining toddlers would make the day extremely difficult. After nap, CJ wanted nothing but to snuggle with me on the couch, and that of course made my day after the whiny morning. I think that CJ and Eliza are just really tired, recovering from the busy napless weekend. They got so much fresh air and exercise their little bodies are just worn out.
Tomorrow we are planning on doing some coloring, more counting, some writing practice, and several more books to read. I am going to start work on sight words, mostly with CJ, but some simpler words I will also do with Eliza and Mason. We are going outside to collect leaves for a project, and look at the pumpkin plants still in the yard. I think we will also make some pumpkin pie play dough. I want to try making some letters out of play dough with the kids. Since CJ dislikes writing so much I am hoping that I can find some way to make letters that he likes doing. I may try the shaving cream writing again tomorrow. Wish me luck!
We read all about the letter B in several different books. We counted pairs of things around the house, since two is our number this week. We did a treasure hunt around the house for B, 2, orange and squares. Everyone participated, and had fun with that activity. We read a story about seeds, and discussed again how plants grow. I had them pick out some seeds, and we planted lettuce seeds in trays, and put them in the greenhouse. We are going to check them and water them everyday and see how they grow. They all seem excited about it, and it is a good way to make predictions or hypotheses and test them. I may even show them how to make a chart with the information we gather.
We listened to songs about the letter B and number 2. We listened to music about bugs, and talked about what we learned about buffalo/bison yesterday. We also watched the Elmo Potty DVD since Mason and Eliza are both learning to use the potty. We made some bread to have as a snack, and we ran around doing ballet in the living room. We did our daily weather report and calendar. We practiced writing in CJ's carpet and added to our letter B poster. A very productive day. However I am really REALLY tired of the whining. Once CJ starts Eliza thinks she should. Mason doesn't follow that, thank goodness. Three whining toddlers would make the day extremely difficult. After nap, CJ wanted nothing but to snuggle with me on the couch, and that of course made my day after the whiny morning. I think that CJ and Eliza are just really tired, recovering from the busy napless weekend. They got so much fresh air and exercise their little bodies are just worn out.
Tomorrow we are planning on doing some coloring, more counting, some writing practice, and several more books to read. I am going to start work on sight words, mostly with CJ, but some simpler words I will also do with Eliza and Mason. We are going outside to collect leaves for a project, and look at the pumpkin plants still in the yard. I think we will also make some pumpkin pie play dough. I want to try making some letters out of play dough with the kids. Since CJ dislikes writing so much I am hoping that I can find some way to make letters that he likes doing. I may try the shaving cream writing again tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Home On The Range
CJ and Eliza were able to tell me that the buffalo were herbivore, quadruped mammals. Just by being given some information on their diet and by watching them. Kids love to sort things, even every bit of information they get. I think it is important to give them the proper labels for the things they sort. There were some families on the walk that were really dumbing things down for their 8 year olds, who should be able to handle the information easily. That drives me up a wall. Kids are way smarter than people give them credit for. They understand so much, and yet people think they should not use appropriate wordage for things. I don't get it. That is my rant for the day. Don't think your kids are stupid people!!!
Moving on, the farm was great. Not only do they have bison, they also have cows, emus, peacocks, chickens, and a small wildflower maze for the kids. We had such a great time and took some excellent pictures. I must say that I really love field trips. It is a great way for us to have some quality family time that extends the kids' education as well as getting us all outdoors. Next week I think on the 20th there is a Walktober to an alpaca farm, so I think I till take the three kids on it, since we weren't able to see them last week. What a great resource. I am so excited to continue this homeschooling adventure. Letter B here we come!
Friday, October 8, 2010
It was a busy and lovely day. Before playgroup we reviewed everything we did this week, and did an apple sorting activity. They were able to sort by size, by color, and to put them in order of size. They colored and traced this weeks letter, number and shape. Then we went to playgroup where they all played extremely well with the other kids. I was thrilled, because CJ usually hates to do any craft project, but Mason wanted to, so CJ actually sat and painted, and made a puppet. It was great. Eliza painted 4 leaves. She painted for at least 20 minutes. After playgroup we went to see the alpacas, which unfortunately were never out to see today. So instead we went to the playground so they could run around outside and get some fresh air. I ran into someone I went to grammar school with, and her daughters played with CJ, Eliza and Mason. We came home, ate lunch and everyone had a nap, and I did some cleaning, which I have been neglecting a bit too much this week. When Rich got home we went to get grinders for dinner and pick my mom up at work. We had time for me to run into the library to get some books for next week's lessons, and a DVD, They Might Be Giants, Here Come the ABC's. I am looking forward to the long weekend, and some great Walktober activities. Monday we are going to a Bison farm, to start our B week. That will be quite a walk.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Amazing Animal Study
It was a good, albeit unusual day. We read Aesop's Fable, The Ant and the Grasshopper. We talked all about fables and morals. We read this story at least 6 times today. They LOVED it, far more than I ever expected. Reminder to self, get more Aesop's fables when we go to the library. They were then acting out the story while playing. I had them retell the story to me and I was blown away by how much they retained. This will become a favorite I think. We extended this with a mini lesson on insect characteristics and continued with the study of various animal types. We used the magnetic habitat to identify animal types, as well as some animal flashcards. We read information about alpacas, and compared and contrasted what we know about camels and alpacas, since they are related animals. We spent a lot of the day talking about animals, and finding out what we know about all types of animals. Pretty soon we will start putting our animal alphabet book together so they can look at it whenever they like. We also read a book about aircraft, to go with the A for airplane picture they colored today. While interested, they didn't enjoy that as much as the alpaca and other animals. We also did animal sounds and Old MacDonald at least 5 times today. Mason and Eliza are particularly good at the bear growl, and CJ is quite adept at making the turkey's gobble gobble sound.
Mason and Miria brought over a drum full of instruments today, so the day was also filled with music. We sang Alouette over and over, practicing the French body parts. We sang the Ants Go Marching, while they marched with their instruments. We sang the alphabet, and letter sounds. We also sang along to the Here Comes Science cd. It was a loud and fun filled day, though everyone had at least one time out for not sharing, and pulling toys away from someone else. I figure they can't all be perfect every day, but they have way more great days than not. Tomorrow we have playgroup, and we will be going to see the alpacas after that. Eliza and CJ love going to visit the alpaca, and Mason also seems excited. I hope they love it. We will also review what we learned about apples this week and do an apple counting activity tomorrow. There won't be a lot of time, so I am not planning too much. Next week we are moving to letter B, number 2, squares and the color orange. I think we will also do some study on pumpkins, since we still have a few growing in the yard, and we have them all over the house. Rich is going to help me set up a pumpkin scavenger hunt type activity in the house for next week, where they will have to answer questions and find a specific number of pumpkins. It should be a lot of fun for next Friday.
Speaking of Friday, and days of the week, we have been doing the calendar every day. On a small board I write today's date, day of the week, the weather after we discuss it, and what we are studying. I said yesterday was . . . and CJ said, "Yesterday was Wednesday, today is Thursday and I think tomorrow is Friday, isn't it Mommy?" I said yes, and he said, "That is good, we go to playgroup and farmer market on Fridays." Again he blows me away with something I didn't know he knew. Eliza knew all the words to a new song we have only heard a few times, and knew every single French body part we have sung so far. She looked at a box today, and told me it was a rectangular prism, and not a cube. She saw a picture of a triplane, and immediately noticed it had three wings. When I told her it was a triplane, she said, "Tri, like triangle and tricycle. Tri means three right Mommy?" When we were talking about certain animal traits we mentioned that one of the animals walks on four legs, and she said, "That means it is a quadruped, like a brachiosaurus on Dinosaur Train." When we discussed the traits of a bear and found out what it likes to eat, fish and fruit and honey, Eliza said, "That means it is an omnivore, because it likes to eat meat and plants. Just like us!" Pretty soon I will have to go back to school just to keep up with them. Mason is doing so well, and knows so much already. We went through several flashcards and he was able to identify most of the letters, and he knew what all the pictures were, many before Eliza and CJ. He is a very fast learner. I can't wait to see where these superkids are in a few months. If they all work together later in life, they will take over the world.
Looking forward to tomorrow to see how they all do at playgroup and seeing the alpacas. Meanwhile I have some apple books to go cut out for tomorrow. Thank you for spending some time with me and my meanderings. Please leave me a note, a suggestion, a question, or any comment you like. I think the way you all help me and support me makes this journey far smoother. You often have amazing ideas and resources, that only a group of moms and educators can provide. Thank you!
Mason and Miria brought over a drum full of instruments today, so the day was also filled with music. We sang Alouette over and over, practicing the French body parts. We sang the Ants Go Marching, while they marched with their instruments. We sang the alphabet, and letter sounds. We also sang along to the Here Comes Science cd. It was a loud and fun filled day, though everyone had at least one time out for not sharing, and pulling toys away from someone else. I figure they can't all be perfect every day, but they have way more great days than not. Tomorrow we have playgroup, and we will be going to see the alpacas after that. Eliza and CJ love going to visit the alpaca, and Mason also seems excited. I hope they love it. We will also review what we learned about apples this week and do an apple counting activity tomorrow. There won't be a lot of time, so I am not planning too much. Next week we are moving to letter B, number 2, squares and the color orange. I think we will also do some study on pumpkins, since we still have a few growing in the yard, and we have them all over the house. Rich is going to help me set up a pumpkin scavenger hunt type activity in the house for next week, where they will have to answer questions and find a specific number of pumpkins. It should be a lot of fun for next Friday.
Speaking of Friday, and days of the week, we have been doing the calendar every day. On a small board I write today's date, day of the week, the weather after we discuss it, and what we are studying. I said yesterday was . . . and CJ said, "Yesterday was Wednesday, today is Thursday and I think tomorrow is Friday, isn't it Mommy?" I said yes, and he said, "That is good, we go to playgroup and farmer market on Fridays." Again he blows me away with something I didn't know he knew. Eliza knew all the words to a new song we have only heard a few times, and knew every single French body part we have sung so far. She looked at a box today, and told me it was a rectangular prism, and not a cube. She saw a picture of a triplane, and immediately noticed it had three wings. When I told her it was a triplane, she said, "Tri, like triangle and tricycle. Tri means three right Mommy?" When we were talking about certain animal traits we mentioned that one of the animals walks on four legs, and she said, "That means it is a quadruped, like a brachiosaurus on Dinosaur Train." When we discussed the traits of a bear and found out what it likes to eat, fish and fruit and honey, Eliza said, "That means it is an omnivore, because it likes to eat meat and plants. Just like us!" Pretty soon I will have to go back to school just to keep up with them. Mason is doing so well, and knows so much already. We went through several flashcards and he was able to identify most of the letters, and he knew what all the pictures were, many before Eliza and CJ. He is a very fast learner. I can't wait to see where these superkids are in a few months. If they all work together later in life, they will take over the world.
Looking forward to tomorrow to see how they all do at playgroup and seeing the alpacas. Meanwhile I have some apple books to go cut out for tomorrow. Thank you for spending some time with me and my meanderings. Please leave me a note, a suggestion, a question, or any comment you like. I think the way you all help me and support me makes this journey far smoother. You often have amazing ideas and resources, that only a group of moms and educators can provide. Thank you!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Here Comes Reading!
Tonight we went to my parents' house for dinner, and to help them with a few things. On the way there we were listening to Here Comes Science by They Might Be Giants, the kids' new favorite album. It was on CJ's favorite, the Bloodmobile (nothing gruesome, tells all about how blood delivers food to your body, and moves the garbage out of it, etc., educational and interesting) when we pulled into the driveway. He told us he would like to wait until the track was over to get out of the car. We sort of looked at him, and paused the song. Neither of us had ever called it a track so we asked him how he knew the word, and he told us, because the radio says it is track 4. The digital display reads TRACK 4. He read it, spelled it, and read it again to us. All I can say is wow. He is reading words in unexpected places all the time, and recognizing rhymes in songs, books and poems. He also shows an affinity for numbers, knowing almost immediately what number you get when you add two more to a number, and immediately recognizing how many are in pictures showing up to 5 of something.
Enough of my bragging about CJ, Eliza bragging will come later in the week. Today was a successful and terrific day. Mason did a fantastic job today. He is showing CJ how to color! CJ had a bit of a freak out when it was time to color their red paper for their color book. He told me, "Mommy you know I do not like to color, I really don't want to do this!" I had to explain that sometimes we have to do things we don't like, and that he won't get any better if he doesn't do it more. Eliza and Mason just sat and colored and talked and did a wonderful job. They all colored their red paper, their A paper, and helped me come up with a list of red things, and words to add to the A letter word poster. We talked about the days of the week. We wrote down on a white board what today is. We talked about yesterday and tomorrow. We wrote down what the weather was, with a little picture to go with it. We drew this weeks shape, circle, on CJ's carpet, and on some drawing paper. We used the larger whiteboard to draw the number of the week, 1. I drew sets of items, and they had to tell me which ones showed one thing. I then drew 1 heart, 1 star, 1 circle and had them tell me which shape we are doing this week. They all enjoyed this activity and participated wholeheartedly. They get so excited about the activities we do. We listened to the Bug music while we had lunch and we danced around the living room. All the kids kept cleaning up as we moved from activity to activity, and room to room, with no nagging or hesitation. All three kids were helpful and attentive all day, and they really seemed to have a lot of fun.
Tomorrow we are going to read a story about alpacas, Eliza's and CJ's favorite animals. We are going to read some information about them and color a paper that shows their body parts. I found some great stuff on I think Friday after playgroup, I will take them to the Alpaca farm in Bozrah to show them the alpacas in person. This will be our A week field trip. We will be eating applesauce for breakfast, and asparagus with dinner. The kids are going to plan an A food dinner for the weekend. I am excited to see what they will choose. Tomorrow should be much nicer weather than the grey and gloomy weather of the past week. Looking forward to some outside time tomorrow. Thank you all for reading!
Enough of my bragging about CJ, Eliza bragging will come later in the week. Today was a successful and terrific day. Mason did a fantastic job today. He is showing CJ how to color! CJ had a bit of a freak out when it was time to color their red paper for their color book. He told me, "Mommy you know I do not like to color, I really don't want to do this!" I had to explain that sometimes we have to do things we don't like, and that he won't get any better if he doesn't do it more. Eliza and Mason just sat and colored and talked and did a wonderful job. They all colored their red paper, their A paper, and helped me come up with a list of red things, and words to add to the A letter word poster. We talked about the days of the week. We wrote down on a white board what today is. We talked about yesterday and tomorrow. We wrote down what the weather was, with a little picture to go with it. We drew this weeks shape, circle, on CJ's carpet, and on some drawing paper. We used the larger whiteboard to draw the number of the week, 1. I drew sets of items, and they had to tell me which ones showed one thing. I then drew 1 heart, 1 star, 1 circle and had them tell me which shape we are doing this week. They all enjoyed this activity and participated wholeheartedly. They get so excited about the activities we do. We listened to the Bug music while we had lunch and we danced around the living room. All the kids kept cleaning up as we moved from activity to activity, and room to room, with no nagging or hesitation. All three kids were helpful and attentive all day, and they really seemed to have a lot of fun.
Tomorrow we are going to read a story about alpacas, Eliza's and CJ's favorite animals. We are going to read some information about them and color a paper that shows their body parts. I found some great stuff on I think Friday after playgroup, I will take them to the Alpaca farm in Bozrah to show them the alpacas in person. This will be our A week field trip. We will be eating applesauce for breakfast, and asparagus with dinner. The kids are going to plan an A food dinner for the weekend. I am excited to see what they will choose. Tomorrow should be much nicer weather than the grey and gloomy weather of the past week. Looking forward to some outside time tomorrow. Thank you all for reading!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
An Apple a Day. . .
Today was a day where everyone started out exhausted, and I just got more and more tired as the day went on. Lessons were pushed off a bit, as the three kiddos watched Cars as they all woke up. I had to feed my white and wheat sourdough starters yesterday, so today was baking day. While the kids played with all their wooden puzzles, and wooden food toys I made two apple pies, a walnut currant whole wheat sourdough, six rosemary olive oil sourdough bread bowls, seeded beer bread and fish nuggets for lunch. After naps, and Mason being picked up I also made an apple bread pudding, a large salad, and a tomatillo chicken and rice casserole.
We reviewed all the A words on our poster again, sang the alphabet, and letter sound songs, and practiced the /a/ sound. We talked about autumn, and what the other seasons are. We sang a French song, Alouette, that teaches body parts in French. We read some poems about Autumn, and read books. We listened to the /a/ sound and several /a/ words on the website link. We also visited the starfall website to watch an interactive video about the letter A. The kids absolutely loved it. We reviewed the number 1, and the color red, but didn't get to all the activities I would have liked. None of the kids were up to anything too strenuous, or school-y.
Today was a crazy day. All the kids took a super early nap. My grandmother came by to get her pie and stayed to play with and read to the kids. Things just didn't go in the order they normally do. While not a bad thing, it just made any hope of sticking to the routine pointless. Hopefully everyone will get a good night's sleep tonight and be refreshed and ready for some fun stuff tomorrow. I want them to do a coloring page for red, and we will make a list of red things to hang next to the red poster. We will make a number one page for their number books, and a letter A page for their letter books. If we can get to half of that I will consider the day's lessons successful.
We also talked today about apples. I am going to do a few apple activities, and move to pumpkins next week. We talked about how apples grow, what colors they come in, and describing how they taste, and how we use them. We counted apples in the kitchen and counted the apples I used for the pies. We even colored an apple paper red. While we were coloring I asked the kids to tell me what they learned today. As they were telling me what they remembered, Eliza told me that it is important to learn new things every day to exercise her brain. I really had to keep from laughing. She is so right. She then told me that apples are a good food to help her work her brain, and that she should have an apple now. What could I say? They had apples, homemade wheat crackers and cheddar cheese sticks for an afternoon snack. They compared lengths with the apple peels from the apples I peeled for the pies. They looked to find the longest and shortest. I kept asking questions like, which one is longer than this one? Which two are shorter? Can you find two that are the same length? It is amazing what you can do with any materials you find in the house. Apples, healthy snack and amazing homeschooler's teaching tool.
I will leave you tonight with some pictures of the pie that I am now going to eat warm with cold ice cream and a hot cup of decaf coffee. My journey is headed right for the couch and tv!
And because it is so sweet, a picture of my grandmother reading to my children. Warms my heart even more than the pie!
We reviewed all the A words on our poster again, sang the alphabet, and letter sound songs, and practiced the /a/ sound. We talked about autumn, and what the other seasons are. We sang a French song, Alouette, that teaches body parts in French. We read some poems about Autumn, and read books. We listened to the /a/ sound and several /a/ words on the website link. We also visited the starfall website to watch an interactive video about the letter A. The kids absolutely loved it. We reviewed the number 1, and the color red, but didn't get to all the activities I would have liked. None of the kids were up to anything too strenuous, or school-y.
Today was a crazy day. All the kids took a super early nap. My grandmother came by to get her pie and stayed to play with and read to the kids. Things just didn't go in the order they normally do. While not a bad thing, it just made any hope of sticking to the routine pointless. Hopefully everyone will get a good night's sleep tonight and be refreshed and ready for some fun stuff tomorrow. I want them to do a coloring page for red, and we will make a list of red things to hang next to the red poster. We will make a number one page for their number books, and a letter A page for their letter books. If we can get to half of that I will consider the day's lessons successful.
We also talked today about apples. I am going to do a few apple activities, and move to pumpkins next week. We talked about how apples grow, what colors they come in, and describing how they taste, and how we use them. We counted apples in the kitchen and counted the apples I used for the pies. We even colored an apple paper red. While we were coloring I asked the kids to tell me what they learned today. As they were telling me what they remembered, Eliza told me that it is important to learn new things every day to exercise her brain. I really had to keep from laughing. She is so right. She then told me that apples are a good food to help her work her brain, and that she should have an apple now. What could I say? They had apples, homemade wheat crackers and cheddar cheese sticks for an afternoon snack. They compared lengths with the apple peels from the apples I peeled for the pies. They looked to find the longest and shortest. I kept asking questions like, which one is longer than this one? Which two are shorter? Can you find two that are the same length? It is amazing what you can do with any materials you find in the house. Apples, healthy snack and amazing homeschooler's teaching tool.
I will leave you tonight with some pictures of the pie that I am now going to eat warm with cold ice cream and a hot cup of decaf coffee. My journey is headed right for the couch and tv!
And because it is so sweet, a picture of my grandmother reading to my children. Warms my heart even more than the pie!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Absolutely Awesome
Today was the first day of the letter A week. It was also our first day including Mason into our routine. It went far more smoothly than I could have hoped. They shared well, they played together, they all behaved remarkably well, and they had a productive and happy day. When Mason got here, they all played with trucks until the Cat in the Hat came on. While watching that, they all ate and drank some milk. After the show, we talked about the show, and they were all able to tell me about what they learned. We then sang the alphabet, and looked at all the letters. I explained that this week we will be talking all about A and we sang the letter sound song. The A says /a/, the A says /a/, every letter makes a sound the A says /a/. We did this for all the letters, and we will sing it each day to reinforce. We went upstairs and colored the letter A, and circled pictures whose names start with A. We reviewed the letter A poster, and added words to it. We talked about animals whose name begin with A. We colored an apple and an airplane. We named foods that begin with A. We sang The Ants Go Marching, while they marched around the play room. Then I had them play with any toys they liked, while I took them one by one and sat down with them to do a worksheet. It was matching the numbers 1-10 to the picture of that many ants marching. They all did well. CJ was excited to do it, but both Mason and Eliza didn't want to stop playing to work with me. For each of them I just sat them on my lap and told them that they would be able to play, but that it was important for us to do this together first. CJ was great, telling them that it was fun, and it didn't take very long to do. After that, they each sat with me and did a fantastic job identifying the numbers, counting the ants, and telling me which ones matched. I held their hands to draw the lines, but they did great! With CJ I had to adjust his grip a few times, but he did it with almost no help from me. Then together we made a number one poster, with one terrific turkey stenciled on it. After that, they played in the kitchen in Eliza's room. They all have great imaginations and they played together so so well. Mason pretended to make mashed potatoes for everyone and kept giving us a taste, while Eliza pretended to make ice cream for dessert. CJ pretended to wash the dishes and warm the milk in the microwave like Mommy does. We came downstairs and watched Sesame Street, and played in the living room. After Sesame Street we were able to play outside for awhile before it started to rain. Then while they ate lunch they watched Dinosaur Train and everyone took a nap. I had to wake Mason up so he would be ready when Miria got here, but CJ and Eliza I let sleep till they woke themselves up. When they got up they helped me make dinner, and we played with their animal habitat magnet board. It was a wonderful and productive day. Tomorrow we are going to continue with A, and 1, and do some activities with circles. CJ and Eliza are excited, and I hope Mason is too. I really felt like today was great for all three kids, and I know it was great for me. What a great leg of the journey, changing our dynamic in such a positive way.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Road Less Taken
Last week was productive up until Thursday. My sister moved yesterday, to New York, so we had to see her on Thursday and Friday, and it kind of screwed the routine up, a lot. We were still able to do some learning, but I was too tired by nighttime to do any blogging. This week we are going to have a bit of a change. Miria's son Mason will be with us every day while she is at work. So I will have three kids for "school" and I am excited. The kids are ecstatic and I think it will be great for all of us. I was going to use the series of plans, but I think it is a little too advanced the more I look at it. So we are going to do letter of the week lessons, starting with A. We are also going to do a shape a week, a number a week, and more color recognition. I have prepared some song sheets, worksheets, and books from Hopefully the weather will be great tomorrow and we can spend some time in the sunshine. Tomorrow I will blog all about our first day with three "students"! I am sure it will be a great day. Our journey is taking a turn, into unknown areas, and it will be a terrific challenge!
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